Re-dream Your Life
Where the Wise One Within Meets the Wisdom of the World
The only constant in life in change. - Heraclitus
At some point in life, if you are lucky, you figure out who you are, where you are headed, and what you want out of life.
Time passes, and things changes. You change. Some of your dreams
have been fulfilled. Others have been forgotten or are no longer
relevant. Where you’ve ended up may be totally different than
where you thought you were going.
It’s time to re-assess.
What has heart and meaning for you? What has changed in your life,
and how has that changed you? Who are you now?
What are you here to do?
Re-dream your life through an engaged process of deep listening,
inquiry, and creativity using imaginal, nature-based practices. Through this process, you will connect with the wise one within and open to the wisdom of the world.
This Program Includes
Directed inquiry questions to guide your journey
Co-created, customized program design
Eight 90-minute sessions tailored specifically for you
Session notes
Take-home practices to ignite your creativity and support your flow between sessions
Connect in-person or by video conference
Move at your pace: schedule weekly to accelerate or twice monthly
Sample Program Session Themes
Exploring the Four-Chambered Heart: Intention Setting + Guided Inquiry or Intuitive Reading
Entering the Imaginal Realm: Guided Meditation, Creative
Visualization and Graphic Note Taking
Expressing your Life Dream: Creative Expression
Working with your Allies: Journey to Meet with your Inner Council
Walking your Purpose: Medicine Walk
Transforming Obstacles into Opportunities: Character Mapping and/ or Re-Writing Your Story
Embodying your Vision: Somatic Inquiry and Integration
Crossing the Threshold: Ritual of Initiation
How to Apply
Acceptance into this program requires an interview.
If you have not yet had your interview, please schedule your complimentary consult call.